Nudibranch Safari 2023
In March 2023 it's time for the next edition of the famous Nudibranch Safari at Gulen Dive Resort on the Norwegian west coast. If you love nudibranchs, you should join this fun workshop!
Nudibranch Safari 2023
Berghia norvegica. Photo: Christian Skauge

Nudibranch Safari 2023
In March 2023 it's time for the next edition of the famous Nudibranch Safari at Gulen Dive Resort on the Norwegian west coast. If you love nudibranchs, you should join this fun workshop!
  Advertising from Gulen Dive Resort
The house reef at Gulen Dive Resort is an eldorado for nudibranchs. Nowhere in the North Atlantic has there been documented more different species.

– There will be diving on the house reef, interesting lectures, workshop and lots of nudibranchs, says Monica Bakkeli at Gulen Dive Resort.

Nudibranch Safari 2023 March 21–26, 2023

Nudibranch enthusiasts

Learning about nudibranchs is fun! Photo: Christian Skauge

A staggering 85 different nudibranch species have been found on the house reef in Gulen, several of them new to science. Perhaps you will be the one to find the next new species?

Either way, you will learn a lot about the «butterflies of the sea» – and you're helping the scientists get a better understanding of the diversity of this animal group.

The houre reef at Gulen Dykkesenter is world renowned for great critter diving, and is very popular among underwater photographers.

A couple years ago, the British DIVE Magazine called the house reef at Gulen «the best macro dive site in Europe».

New nudibranch species described

At the Nudibranch Safari you will learn from the experts and the other participants, and perhaps experience more nudibranch species than ever before.

The package includes four dives a day, air, five nights in shared twin room, lectures, workshop and dinner all days.

Gulen Dive Resort

Facebook: @gulendiveresort
Phone: +47-57 78 40 20
E-mail: Denne e-postadressen er beskyttet mot programmer som samler e-postadresser. Du må aktivere javaskript for å kunne se den.
Address: Glosvikveien 134, 5960 Dalsøyra, Norway




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Dykking har siden 1983 blitt gitt ut av Forlaget Dykking AS. Redaktør: Christian Skauge


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