New book on nudibranchs
Bernard Picton and Christine Morrow have released the long-awaited second edition of their book on nudibranchs – almost 30 years after the first edition. Most of the species in the book are found in Norway.
New book on nudibranchs
Photo: Princeton University Press

New book on nudibranchs
Bernard Picton and Christine Morrow have released the long-awaited second edition of their book on nudibranchs – almost 30 years after the first edition. Most of the species in the book are found in Norway.
  7. June 2023
Les på norsk!
«Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe» is a beautifully illustrated guide that offers 360 pages about nudibranchs in all their glory.

The book contains over 140 species, each of which is presented on a two-page spread with underwater and images, images of the eggs and – in many cases – what they feed on.

Photo: Princeton University Press

The short, concise descriptions provide the reader with essential information about the species' characteristics, size, habitat, food and distribution.

There is a large overlap between the species found in the British Isles and in Norway, and over 120 of the species in the book are also found in Norwegian waters.

Join the Nudibranch Safari

Therefore, this is more than just a collector's item for nudibranch lovers – it is a great aid for finding and identifying the species in the North-East Atlantic.

Between the covers you'll also find chapters on what nudibranchs eat, their reproduction, anatomy and a useful chapter on how to find them.

Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe

Photo: Princeton University Press

Bernard Picton is curator of marine invertebrates at the National Museums Northern Ireland in Belfast, while co-author Christine Morrow is a researcher at Queen's University in Belfast.

The two have been working with nudibranchs since the 1970s, and their previous book from 1994 is a classic that is almost impossible to obtain.

Great wreck diving in southern Norway

Great wreck diving in southern Norway wreck diving in southern Norway

That makes this new and updated edition a very welcome addition to any nudibranch library. This time, the book is also available in electronic format.

The book is published by Princeton University Press, and can be ordered from and other booksellers for €35.

Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe
Nudibranchs of Britain,
Ireland and Northwest Europe
Author: Bernard Picton, Christine Morrow
Publisher: Princeton University Press
About: 360 pages, paperback
ISBN: 978-0691208794




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