11 tips for diving in Norway
Need some inspiration for your next dive holiday? Look no further – here's an overview of great places to visit along the Norwegian coast, which offers lots of exciting diving.
11 tips for diving in Norway
The Anemone Wall at Lofoten Diving is a spectacular sight. Photo: Christian Skauge

11 tips for diving in Norway
Need some inspiration for your next dive holiday? Look no further – here's an overview of great places to visit along the Norwegian coast, which offers lots of exciting diving.
  20. May 2024
Les på norsk!
Whether you want to experience wrecks, nudibranchs, kelp forests, drift diving, deep-sea jellyfish, sharks or corals, you can do it in Norway.

The Norwegian coastline offers an incredible diversity, and you will find great diving both in the south, west, and north.

One Ocean

One Ocean Dive Resort offers many wrecks, beautiful nature and great culinary experiences. Photo: Christian Skauge

These 11 resorts offer dive holidays in Norway:

Great diving in Norway

The best spots in Norway measure up to any tropical coral reef, it's wild and untouched – and what better way to end the day than gorging on delicious scallops you just gathered yourself?

World famous dive sites include the wrecks and critter diving in Gulen north of Bergen, the Plura Cave, Lofoten and Saltstraumen, the World's strongest tidal current.


Frankenwald is a huge German freighter from the WWII era. Gulen Dive Resort offers trips. Photo: Christian Skauge

Diving in Norway meets every expectation, both for beginners and advanced divers. Most resorts offer guided dives on request.

The Norwegian coast also offers more wrecks than most places in the world, and the macro and fish life is both colorful and diverse.


Norway offers a wide variety of nudibranchs, and great critter diving. Photo: Christian Skauge

How about doing something different this year? Norway is scenic both above and below the surface, and you'll come home with unique photos and videos.

Visiting Norway is something everyone should do at least once in their life. If you're a scuba diver, even more so! Dive into different experiences this year!

Kelp forest

The kelp forest along the Norwegian coast is a magical place. Photo: Christian Skauge

Book now, before it's too late

A dive holiday in Norway gives you great experiences, and it's easy to get here from all over Europe. There are car ferries from Denmark and Holland, and you can fly to most destinations.

Most dive resorts offer great specials for groups and dive clubs, so don't hesitate to get in touch. This season is about to fill up, so don't delay your booking!




Vil du begynne å dykke?


PADI er verdens største utdanningsorganisasjon med omtrent 135.000 instruktører og divemastere verden over. De fleste dykkesentrene i Norge utdanner dykkere etter PADIs modell - du finner en oversikt i bransjeregisteret.





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Dykking har siden 1983 blitt gitt ut av Forlaget Dykking AS. Redaktør: Christian Skauge


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